we are just twelve year olds who are super keen on saving the animals in the world.
They are decreasing at a rapid speed and soon will all be extinct! so come visit this website to learn more about the facts and stop buying animal products. Please help to conserve animals. If the buying stops the killing will too! :D

Giraffe Things.
6A'08 6C'08 6E'08 Angel Anthony Cheryl Papa Fiona Hazel HuiJuan HuiYi Jannah Jaslynn Jasmine Javier JiaHui Jolene KaiShing LoeFamily MingHwee SiewAnn Siewting SiMin SuYa TiRui Veron Willie XiangYun YuXin ZhiJun

Don't Look Back.

November 2008
December 2008

More Tags, Please.


Saturday, November 29, 2008
New Blog Author:Joel...

Heyy guys!!!:D
there's a new blog author!!!Mr Lee Xin Jie Joel!!!*applauds*!!!:D.....he will also be the last blog author.....:D
p/s:coco,allow be a part of our blog....and this blog will be in the siblings' hands!!!:D

preview user stood again at 8:22 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008
'Bout some animals.....:D love em' loadzzz.....

Heyy guyz!!!
They live in the warm gulf waters of waters.
Referred as sea cows.
Gentle creatures,ffriendly with Humans.
Have flippers(forelimbs)with 3 to 4 nails each.
Have wrinkled face with whiskers on the snout.
It's closest land relative:The Elephant.
3m long,362-544kg......0.0
life expectancy:35-37yrs
Give birth every 3 years.
Communicate thru squeeky vocal sounds.
true native Floridians.
Scientific name:Ceratotherium Simum.
Endangered.Save 'em D:
Only predator:Poachers.....sadd D:
Hunted for their huge hornz.
Hornz are made from thickly matted hair,called keratin.
Keratin is the same material from which our fingernails are made of.
Adults reach 1.75m(- or +)
Gestation period:18mths.
Have 3 toes.
Life expectancy:35-40yrs.
Poor eyeight.
Keen sense of hearing and smell.
Deposit their dung at places called middens.Yucks!
White rhinos are larger than black ones.
White rhinos live in grasslands or savnnahs whilst black ones live dense vegetation areas.
3 species:
1)Western Gorilla2)Eastern Gorilla3)Mountain Gorilla.
Mostly live in troops.
eastern ones live in central africans lowlands and mountain rainforests of Congo.
western ones live in cameroon and central african republic.
gorilla's DNA is 97.5% identical to humans.
Have longer arms than legs.
Each one has different noseprins.
Use their knuckles whle they are "crawling".
At th age of 13, some adults(males)develop silver-colored hair on their backs and are called silverbacks, and are known to take the decisions in the troop.
Blackbacks leave the troop at the age of 11(only males)
Are more active in the day.
The giant crest on top of their heads are called Saggital crest.

Nests are made of thin branches with loads of leaves.
Credits:The Slate Foundation

preview user stood again at 4:25 AM

adorable zebras hugging.
if the killing continues, the number of zebras in the world will decrease...
no more cute pictures! D:

preview user stood again at 4:16 AM

Be fearless!!!Save our world's greatest treasures-Our animals.....

Heyy guys!!!
It all boils down to the necessities of life...for animals and people. Animals are endangered because of human encroachment. Animals can survive the threat of extinction if we address the individual problems each ecosystem faces.Operation Wildlife Comeback solves these problems by providing people with the basic necessities of life: food, water, shelter, income, and education.When people have options, animals have hope.
SAVE OUR ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Credits:The Slate Foundation

preview user stood again at 4:14 AM

Monkeys Population Decreasing in Costa Rica
San Jose, Apr 23 (Prensa Latina) The four monkey species drastically decreased during the last five years in Costa Rica due to deforestation, agrochemical use, global warming and their capture to use them as pets, denounced Costa Rican academicians Monday.
Spider Monkeys for example decreased from 25,000 to 7,000 since 2000 and the ones identified like congos decreased in almost a 50 percent, from 70,000 to 36,800, according to biologists from Costa Rican University and UCR and National University UNA.
Ronald Sanchez, UCR specialist, admitted that there is no precise information on the decrease of titi and white-face monkeys, but he coincided with other experts on the great difficulties they confront due to primary forests reduction.
Costa Rican scientists discovered in these years several health problems that affect monkeys like: eye cataracts, loss of melanin (responsible for the skin color) and diseases like malaria and Venezuelan tropical encephalitis, this last one causes the death of dozens of monkeys in the national park Corcovado in 2003.

sorry bout the stupid spacings. i hate this computer...

preview user stood again at 4:13 AM

Thursday, November 27, 2008
saving wildlife by helping people learn more and make a difference.....:D

Heyy guys,be green also.....
In 1974, with nothing more than backpacks, $6,000 of their own money, and one-way air tickets, they headed off into the Kalahari Desert where they spent the next seven years studying the elusive brown hyena and black-maned lions. They made landmark discoveries about these species and helped conserve the Central Kalahari Game Reserve. (See The Kalahari Years)
In 1985, Delia and Mark wanted to continue their study of carnivores in the remote North Luangwa National Park of Zambia, an almost inaccessible wilderness. They soon found that gangs of commercial poachers were quickly sterilizing the park, killing as many as 1,000 elephants each year for their ivory. For the next 11 years, Delia and Mark developed the North Luangwa Conservation Project, which saved the park for the benefit of the wildlife and the people living near it.

this is an example of the damage done by poachers per's truly saddening......
Credits:Owens Foundation for Wildlife Conservation....:D thanks loadz......:D

preview user stood again at 3:45 AM


Heyy guys sorry for not providing food to the animals(not posting for ya'll)........
Anyway.....there are many cows in indore.....freely moving cows.....woots!took few pics....damn cool pics...haha i'm such a pro photographer....lolsxz jking.....i feel like being a guy like austin stevens.....or jeff corwin.....or.....i dunno's reallyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool.....take pics of animals spend time wihanimals.........oh man!!!i just love ANIMALS......they rock my world.....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAVE ANIMALS!!!roro/coco
p/s:my condolences to all those whose relatives died in the bombay attacks....D:

preview user stood again at 3:33 AM

Thursday, November 20, 2008
PSLE results out!!!

yo ppl!!!are u all happy with ur PSLE results???...
yay!!!my parents have alr done it!!!
these are my choices:
5)swiss cottage
6)kranji sec...
most probably i will be able to go SJI!!!yay!!!...
goodbye 6Aians:roro...

preview user stood again at 6:25 PM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Number of endangered species in the world!!!

White elephants-10,000.
Bengal tiger-around 1,000 left in Asia.
Sharks-being killed at a rate of 1million/year,for their fins.
So plz help us in conserving animls.....IT'S A NOW OR NEVER SITUATION!!!

preview user stood again at 9:54 PM
Those cute little creatures are facing extinction
all due to deforestation.


preview user stood again at 9:51 PM

Retirement Benefits’ For Enslaved Indian Elephants
by Maria A. Schulz K. Sudharakaran, the provincial forest minister of the southern Indian state of Kerala, recently declared that elephants working for the state will be entitled to retirement benefits at age 65. The retired elephants will officially have a right to a healthy diet, check-ups by vets, and acceptable living conditions, according to the new ruling. "We are taking a serious note of growing cruelty towards captive elephants and their violent reaction to their human captors," K. Sudharakaran told the state assembly in Trivandrum. An estimated 33,000 elephants are left in India - a quarter of their 19th-century population - and despite protests from animal welfare organizations, many are still forced to carry out laborious work for human taskmasters in the construction industry, logging, security patrols and other businesses. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has accused Indian state governments of routine cruelty and exploitation of elephants. "Elephants live for more than 70 years if left unmolested in the forest, yet their average life span in captivity is reduced to 14 miserable years," said PETA India chief functionary Anuradha Sawhney. "Imagine what it must be like for highly intelligent, social and sensitive beings like elephants to be ordered about constantly, under the threat of a beating with a bullhook, at every moment of their lives." There have been several recent incidents of desperately miserable captive elephants finally "snapping" and violently retaliating against their human "owners". Earlier this year, an elephant who was kept in captivity and forced to work for the forest department in the Kerala city of Cochin, turned on his mahout (keeper) and killed the man. At least 42 people have been killed or injured in the last five years by elephants in India. Kerala’s new elephant retirement policy may be a gesture aimed at easing the serious elephant welfare problem. The "retirement rights" will, however, only be applied to elephants who are used to carry out work for the state, and will not apply to elephants working in private businesses, such as circuses.

preview user stood again at 9:46 PM

New animal blog!!!

Hey guys n gals out there!visit our(coconut n roro)blog!!!
Our main reason to create this blog was to tell ya'll something

preview user stood again at 9:12 PM